Il y´a des jours où tout d´abord on n´a pas envie de se lever .. Puis quand enfin on met le pied à terre alors la on se lève du pied gauche .. Le genre de jour où il n´y´a plus de nutella pour le petit déjeuner & où tu fais tombé ta tartine & elle tombe du mauvais côté.. Un de ces satanés jour où tu ne s´ai pas comment t´habiller même si ton armoire est remplie de vêtements...
Puis Quand enfin tu trouve " The tenue " , tu te rend compte que tu vas être en retard et raté ton bus... Tout ça passé tu te sent mieux mais la paff une pluie violente s´abat sur toi ! T´es trempé & ta froid, t´es énervé & triste à la fois, & puis comme par hasard quand tu rentre chez toi il y´a un soleil des plus beau qui te nargue... Sans oublier que tu apprend que "The soirée" ,que tu attend avec impatience depuis des semaines est annulé & puis ton chéri ne peut même pas te consoler parce que vous vous êtes grave embrouillés " quel merde " .. Bref il y´a des jours comme ça où t´es mal & triste, tu passe une journée horrible .. Mais au final tu te dit que " ça ira mieux demain ".
Mais on fait des effort & on essaie d´être belle et souriante sur les photos pour vous chers lectrices chéries.♡
There are days when first of all we do not want to get up.. Then when finally we put the foot on the ground then the we get up on the wrong side of the bed.. The day genre where there is no more a nutella for the breakfast and or you make fallen your sandwich and it falls wrong way.. One of these damned in the daytime when you do not have how to dress you even if your cupboard is filled with clothes...
Then When finally you find held The, you reports you that you are going to be late and missed your bus... All this crossed you feels you better but the paff a violent rain beats down on you! Cold are dipped to you and your, are irritated to you and sad at the same time, and then as if by chance when you return at home there is a sun of the most beautiful which defies you... Without forgetting that you learns that " The an evening ", that you looks forward for weeks is cancelled and then your darling cannot even console you because you are grave muddled up " which shit " ... In brief there are days like that where your bad and sad, you spends a horrible day.. But in the final you says to you that " that will get better tomorrow ".
Then When finally you find held The, you reports you that you are going to be late and missed your bus... All this crossed you feels you better but the paff a violent rain beats down on you! Cold are dipped to you and your, are irritated to you and sad at the same time, and then as if by chance when you return at home there is a sun of the most beautiful which defies you... Without forgetting that you learns that " The an evening ", that you looks forward for weeks is cancelled and then your darling cannot even console you because you are grave muddled up " which shit " ... In brief there are days like that where your bad and sad, you spends a horrible day.. But in the final you says to you that " that will get better tomorrow ".
But we make effort and we try to be beautiful and smiling on photos for you dear beloved readers.♡
Top : H&M
Chemise: Tati
Blazer : Jennyfer
Jean: Jennyfer
Malgré cette journée pourrie, tu es magnifique sur les photos! :)
RépondreSupprimerTu es si gentille Myriam Gros bisouuus !!! :D
RépondreSupprimerOh :) tu es mignonne! :D
Supprimerc'est vrai que tu est jolie sur les photos, malgré ta journée de m....
RépondreSupprimerMerci beaucoup agnès :)